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June 24, 2006


Paris Parfait

Great musical tales - it's wonderful how you've kept up your French horn playing and nice that you got to play it in other countries. As for the number seven, it's a powerful one.


Wow...the music of the chakras. You know, I never thought of that.

The French horn is such a beautiful instrument...I always think it's holding itself in check, deliberately giving and withholding and teasing.

You have an interesting life! :)


Your travels and your love of the French horn was a fasinating read! I never realized the power of 7 :)


I've always loved piano and violin music (separately or together!) and definately prefer stringed instruments. I don't know why. This was true when I was very young, just three years old, too young to make a conscious decision. Wind and brass instruments don't quite hit that spot with me. I guess we all have different tastes and different types of music speak to us differently. Different muscial language maybe. Anyway, I love the story about the deaf children, amazing that they are so sensitive to the vibrations of notes.

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    Kanchhi loves to travel. His name, in Nepali, means "the littlest one", and he is the littlest of my snowleopards. He even has his own scrapbook album, called, "Where's Kanchhi?"

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