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July 02, 2006



I had never thought about what twins would mean under China's one-child policy. Thanks for a really interesting post! I wonder, are twin girls doubly unwelcome, or a blessing? This subject interests me a lot, because I think population issues will become such a concern world-wide that it won't be just China that has to have such a policy, brutal as it is, it is becoming increasingly necessary. I was surprised to learn recently that the US is the third most populous country after China and India!


Hi, I spent a year in China in 1999-2000. I taught university students and most of the undergrad were at the age that if they'd been their parents first they were among the first generation to be effected by the policy, so a few had older siblings but most didn't. I had endless converstations about the one child policy that year and I was constantly amazed by the extent to which most of these young people believed in it and felt it their duty as Chinese citizens. I guess living in the overcrowded conditions they did coupled with the Communist Party's propoganda it shouldn't have been so surprising. Only one young woman voiced any discontent; if she had a child and it died she'd not have another to comfort her.
Sorry for the long comment! God bless all you're doing in China, I found it imeasurably hard being there. And thanks for visiting my blog!

Jemima von Schindelberg

Not something I'd considered either. Interesting.

Paris Parfait

Thanks for providing this fascinating glimpse into China's reactions to twins! We only ever hear about the previous aversion to girls, so this sheds new light on the role of children in China.


So interesting! I had no idea that there was a strict population control.. it's sort of sad, really. Great to see that twins are a blessing.

Wonderful take on the S.S!



I like your take on this subject. I think it's very interesting and I learned something today! I knew about China's one child policy but had never thought about what happened if there are twins!

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