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October 14, 2007


Laini Taylor

Oh, Bonnie, I'm wishing you the best in your recovery. When I read about your accident this summer I just couldn't believe it. It only seems right that the care and healing you have lavished on others for years will come back around to you now and mend you entirely! All good wishes coming your way from Portland!


I too wish you a speedy and full recovery, so, among other things, you can return to doing the work you love. Bringing help and healing to others is a wonderful way to spend one's work life.

Robin from Israel

How very frightening to have to lie there in the dark wondering if your dream will remain within your grasp or slip further away.

I wish you a full and speedy recovery and return to everything you wish. The desire to help people is a powerful motivator, and that perserverence will see you well.


Bonnie, you've been in my thoughts so often. I'm so sad to hear your arm and hand are still not healed. It sounds like you're taking good care of yourself and trusting that you'll get better. I'm sending you a hug and all the healing energy I can gather up. xoxo


Sending prayers and ((hugs)) your way, Bonnie.~XOXO


Thanks for sharing your heart. I will keep praying for grace to sustain you. God is at work, we just can't see what He has in mind yet. We love you!
Mary for the Family


Bonnie, I've been on a trip and caught a nasty bug flying home so I've been away. Your post moved me greatly and I know God will continue to work through you.

On my trip I met with another ALS gal (see blog) and she was a talented artist. ALS stole her hands but she just found ways around it.

Stay strong and know I think of you often. You have much to do yet with that hand.

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