No. A few things happened beyond my control. First, the government of my host country closed access to all blogs. Then they closed access to all VPN's. Then, I was encouraged to leave the country. I did. I came back to the States on a Sabbatical. After 14 years in Asia, I had my first Sabbatical. After 6 months, I decided that I needed to move back to help my parents who had health issues. I moved back, went to court, as my renter was suing me for an unlivable house. He had pretty much destroyed the house, had not paid rent for 5 months, ran the oil out of the tank, and pulled the thermostat off the wall. Needless to say, he did not win the lawsuit, and in his 'negotiations', paid up and moved out, taking many things with him that weren't his, including the washer and dryer and many things in my locked storage room that he had broken into. Breathe. Take it one day at a time. Then my father became critically ill. I had the great opportunity to be his medical advocate, helping him to have some control over the quality of his life when the quantity was limited.
So much happened in such a short time. I really never had a chance to change cultures and centuries after living in Asia for a total of 20 years. I have so many stories to tell, and so many photos to share. So I am starting up my blog again, to share stories of a different life. This is a time of healing. A time of catching up. A time of integration. I hope you will help me integrate my thoughts.
Thank you!